Look what Jesus did with just 12 disciples; He was able to spread Christianity around the world!! As members of the church, Jesus calls us to be his disciples. Will you help by providing just a few hours of your time each month? If so, please consider joining us in serving on one of these committees to help keep your church community viable by giving back some of the talents that God has given to you.
Mission: Arrange dinners, entertainment approximately three times a year to provide a venue to parishioners to enjoy each others company.
Deus Caritas Est Ministry
Mission: The Deus Caritas Est Ministry follows the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our good Samaritan, who asks us to Minister to God's beloved children, who physically and spiritually suffer. He commands us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Mission: Altar servers assist the priest with the celebration of each weekend Mass as well as special Masses on Holy Days. We welcome parishioners of ages from the 3rd grade on up. We also welcome Adults for the Funeral Mass
Mission: We extend the sympathy and prayers of the parish community to families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Members help the bereaved choose music and/or readings for the Liturgy of Christian Burial (the funeral Mass).
Mission: To be part of a ministry to help provide a meal to the needy of our community.
Mission: To enhance the celebration of the Mass by inviting parishioners to share Their gift of singing with the congregation.
Mission: The mission of the Eucharistic Minister is to participate in the sharing of the body and blood of Jesus Christ with the parish community.
Mission: Our growth in faith is a lifelong process. This ministry offers an opportunity to share faith with residents of a local nursing home. Together, we pray and reflect on Scripture that we may integrate the faith of our younger years with God’s action in our lives today.
Mission: Review and examine the needs, resources, and budget of the parish and advise the Pastor and the Parish Council on the appropriate distribution of funds.
Mission: To be a welcoming presence to parishioners and new comers to the parish.
Mission: To help maintain church lawn on a rotating basis, approximately every 1 to 2 weeks for Mowing. Planting, mulching, weeding and cleaning up the grounds on a regular basis to help with the up keep of the property.
Mission: The Liturgy of the Word at each Mass is the Church’s proclamation of God’s life in us, and it is mediated by the gifts of lectors. Lectors proclaim the scriptures to the assembly so people may truly hear the Word that is to shape their lives.
Mission: These volunteers take communion to those who are unable to attend Mass due to physical limitations or illness. Our mission is to reach out to those members of our community who are not able to join us for Eucharist.
Mission A representative body of the parish in union with one another and with the Pastor to meet and discuss and resolve matters which concern the good of the Parish.
Mission: Parishioners pray for the intentions and needs of those in our community. They are informed of the intentions through a multi-linked prayer chain, either by phone or e-mail.
Mission: Raise money for specific church projects through selling numbered tickets which entitle participants to a monthly drawing. Dinner Dance in November with added grand prizes.
Mission: To provide shawls and lap robes as a tangible piece of comfort, hope, and joy to those who need to be reminded of God’s loving kindness.We are a group of knitters and crocheters who come together for prayer and fellowship.
Ushers seat people at crowded Masses, open doors to classrooms when needed, pass the collection baskets.
Mission: To enable youth to learn how to provide ministry to the parish and other youth with direction from caring adult members. Various parish and social justice community projects.